Organizers: North America Caucus of the IIPFCC; International Indian Treaty Council (IITC).
Indigenous Peoples in North American know that climate change is real and many Indigenous Nations have already implemented programs to confront the crises. In this panel indigenous experts will present various climate related strategies taking place in their territories from solar panel projects to wind farms to sustainable fisheries.
A Q&A session will follow.
- Crystal Lameman, Beaver Lake Cree Nation (Alberta, Canada);
- Don Sampson, Umatila Tribe, Affiliated Tribes of North West Indians (Oregon, USA);
- Wahleah Johns, Dineh Nation, Black Mesa Water Coalition (Arizona, USA);
- Nicole Yanes, Opata, Youth representative, International Indian Treaty Council.
Moderator: Frank Ettawageshik, Little Traverse Bands of Odawa Indians, United Tribes of Michigan (USA); National Congress of American Indians.
Location: Indigenous People's Pavilion (Auditorium).
Contact: Roberto Borrero,