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Threat to Rights and to the Environment: Impacts to the Indigenous People of Brazil

  • Aeroport de Paris-Le Bourget 180 Esplanade de l’Air et de l’Espace, 93350. Paris France (map)

Organizers: Articulation of Indigenous People of Brazil (APIB); Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM); Indigenous Coordination of Brazilian Amazon (COIAB)

The presentation will be divided in two parts: (1) the role of Indigenous lands in Brazil to mitigate climate change (Indigenous Lands of Brazilian Amazon represent 30% of carbon stock in whole Brazilian Amazon) and (2) among other threats, this important role of the indigenous lands, and the rights of indigenous people is being threatened by national congress, by the change of indigenous land regularization in Brazil. A Proposal of Constitutional Amendment – PEC 215/00 had been partially approved in national congress of Brazil and with its approval, the rights of Indigenous People of Brazil can be totally impacted. In Addition, this PEC can raise the deforestation in Brazilian Amazon, affecting the climate balance of the region. 


  • Sonia Guajajara, The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazi (APIB)
  • Sineia do Vale, ontemporary Indigenous Realities (CIR)/ A Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB)
  • Rodrigo Titiah, The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazi (APIB)
  • Lindomar Terena, The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazi (APIB)
  • Fernanda Bortolotto, The Amazonian Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)

Location: Indigenous Peoples Pavilion (Auditorium)

Contact: Fernanda Bortolotto (IPAM),