Organizers: Swandiri Institute; Dewan Adat Dayak Tayan Hilir; Kabupaten Sanggau; Publish What You Pay [PWYP] - Indonesia; If Not Us Then Who
This event shares the story from Borneo in which researchers working together with Indigenous People and local NGOs in the past three years have been establishing a participatory mapping initiatives using do-it-yourself drones [unmanned aerial vehicle] to protect the remaining indigenous and locally-managed land and forest from the massive on-going land grabbing in West Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. This initiative is collective and political in a way, Indigenous Community can now perform counter-mapping with way more precise, detail and accurate maps than any satellite images can provide to challenge the what so called "virtual land-grabbing" in which concessions for extractive and non-extractive industries (mining, oil palm, etc) has been given and distributed to entities through the "formal" mapping regimes and spatial-planning regimes mostly excluding indigenous and local communities.
Community Drones have been evolving and spreading all over Indonesia as well as some other countries and we are very happy to share our experiences, our knowledge and to team up with any indigenous / local communities all over the world to spread this knowledge and together promote social-ecological justice. For us, inclusive technology is the key. Moreover, in this "globalized" world, we see that "our data is our weapon", if we are about to see the more just world. By "inclusive" we also mean that this solution is accessible to the indigenous and local group. It is cheap and reliable.
Featured Film:
Dayaks and Drones: How technology can promote sustainable forests and communities (Indonesia)
Produced by Handcrafted Films
Runtime: 7 minutes
Subtitles: English
Speaker: Irendra Radjawali, Swandiri Institute and Institute for Oriental and Asian Studies, Bonn University (Germany)
Location: Indigenous Peoples Pavilion (Auditorium)
Contact: Irendra Radjawali,
Languages: Indonesian