Transforming Dahod
Ensuring Food Security and Effective Climate Change Mitigation through Intensive Community-led NRM Interventions in the Tribal Regions of Western India
National Council For Climate Change (NCCSD)
- Dr. Shelat Kirit, National Council For Climate Change (NCCSD)
- Dr. V.V. Sadamate, AGRIL. Extension Specialist &Former Adviser Agriculture, Planning Commission, GOI
- Mr. Jayprakash Shantilal Gosalia, VRTI, Gujarat
- Mohamed Behnassi, PhD-Director of the Center for Research on Environment, Human Security and Governance (CERES)
- Dr. Rohit Srivastava, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Indian Centre for Climate & Societal Impacts Research
- Dr. Odemari Mbuya, Ph.D. Professor, Faculty Director, FAMU-Sustainability Institute