Traditional Knowledge: Ecology of Care - Creating a Better Future with Sustainable Yogic Agriculture and Increased Awareness of Health and Nutrition
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Global Ecovillage Network
- Kosha Joubert (MSc Org. Dev.), Executive Director of the Global Ecovillage Network. Topic: Ecovillage - Traditional Wisdom and Positive Innovation
- Romina Melwani (Dip NT), Nutritional Therapist, General Treasurer of the Moroccan Association de Réflexion pour le Ressourcement Intérieur. Topic: Nutrition
- Valeriane Bernard, Educator, Brahma Kumaris’ NGO Representative to the UN, Geneva. Topic: Yogic agriculture – the resilience and application of spiritual knowledge
- Juan Vazquez Milling, Canada/Mexico, Homeopath, Youth Coordinator Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative. Topic: Health
Moderator: Laura Agroum
Thematic areas: Traditional Knowledge, Mitigation, Partnerships