
Agenda for the last day of the COP22 meeting in Marrakesh: Friday, November 18, 2016.

Selection of events

08.00 – 10.00 Arabian Room (Blue zone) 
Indigenous Peoples' Global Caucus Meeting

10.30 – 11.00 Indigenous Peoples’ Pavilion 
Briefing for the Indigenous Peoples' Caucus

11.15 – 12.15 Indigenous Peoples’ Pavilion 
Affordable Green Energy for Poor Communities 
Organizers: Varhad Capital Pvt Ltd (Green Banking Initiative)/Gravity Power

12.30 – 14.00 Indigenous Peoples’ Pavilion 
Lessons from the Canadian Arctic on Adapting to Climate Change 
Organizers: McGill University/Inuit Circumpolar Council, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, University of Sunshine Coast

14.15 – 15.15 Indigenous Peoples’ Pavilion 
Organic Value Chains with Moroccan Communities 
Organizers: High Atlas Foundation

15.30 – 18.30 Indigenous Peoples’ Pavilion 
Ancestral techniques of the oases for the management of natural resources 
Organizers: Association Oasis Ferkla pour Environnement et Patrimoine/RADDO,RARBOSM

Agenda prepared by DOCIP

Indigenous Peoples Caucus Reiterates Position on Proposed Platform

The Indigenous Peoples Caucus reiterated their consensus position to the President of COP22, Moroccan Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar at the meeting of the Indigenous Caucus this morning. Hamza Tber, Chief of Staff, Multilateral Negotiatio…

The Indigenous Peoples Caucus reiterated their consensus position to the President of COP22, Moroccan Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar at the meeting of the Indigenous Caucus this morning. Hamza Tber, Chief of Staff, Multilateral Negotiations, Kingdom of Morocco accompanied the COP President at the Caucus. 

IIPFCC proposed elements for an outcome of the informal consultation on the indigenous peoples platform:

- An incremental approach led by the SBTA chair and a representative of Indigenous Peoples appointed by the Indigenous Peoples themselves who will serve as co-facilitators.

- Invite submissions by parties, Indigenous Peoples and observers by 31 March 2017 on the purpose, content and structure of the indigenous peoples´ platform to inform the dialogue and the process.

- Convene 3 consultations, to be conducted by the co-facilitators during May sessions on the operationalization of the platform, including purpose, content and structure.

- Request the co-facilitators to present the outcomes of the consultations for the consideration and adoption at the COP23.

- Request the secretariat, under the guidance of the co-facilitators, to operationalize the platform taking into account the submissions and the outcomes of this dialogue.

We remain available if you require any further information. We are committed to several bilaterals with a number of Parties throughout the day to reiterate our position.
— Ghazali Ohorella to Hamza Tber, Chief of Staff Multilateral Negotiations, Kingdom of Morocco

UNESCO Policy on engaging with Indigenous Peoples

Docip has the pleasure to forward you the following message from the UNESCO focal point unit for indigenous issues:

Dear partners, colleagues and friends,

Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, decided in May 2010 to develop a UNESCO Policy on engaging with Indigenous Peoples.

To follow up on this decision, an intersectoral Task Team carried out face-to-face meetings, workshops and interviews with indigenous peoples who have partnered with the Organization in different areas of its mandate. These inputs, reflections and observations have contributed towards the current draft UNESCO policy for engaging with indigenous peoples. The draft policy document contains key principles for engaging with indigenous peoples, and guidelines for how these principles would be applied in UNESCO’s programme areas.

You are invited to review the draft policy and to inform us of your views. The review period runs until 30 November 2016. Following this review, your inputs, comments and criticisms will be taken into account by the Task Team when revising the document, with the aim to submit a final draft for consideration by UNESCO's Executive Board at its 201st session.

Please contact if you’re interested in receiving the draft policy for review.

For more information, please consult our website. If you have any questions on the process, please send them to

With sincere thanks in advance for your review and responses, 
Ms. Trupthi Narayan

On behalf of the UNESCO focal point unit for indigenous issues. 
+33 1 45 68 01 85


Indigenous Peoples' Pavilion at COP 22 Opens

The “Indigenous Peoples’ & Communities’ Pavilion: Traditional Knowledge for Climate Action” (Pavilion) at the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) officially opened on 8 November 2016. The Pavilion will remain open to the public from 8-18 November 2016 and is located within the 'Civil Society Space’ or "Green Zone", which is adjacent to the COP 22 Blue Zone negotiation space. This Pavilion is accessible through accreditation. 

The purpose of the Pavilion is to facilitate the effective representation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities by providing a dedicated gathering space to meet to coordinate on messaging and advocacy strategies; to convene events like presentations, policy dialogues, panel discussions, publication launches, etc. to advance discourse on indigenous peoples’ and communities’ solutions to climate change; and to be a center for learning and knowledge exchange on indigenous peoples’ and community issues in the climate context. The Pavilion will be a highly-visible platform for communicating and amplifying messages of Indigenous Peoples and local communities during the COP 22 negotiations.

Visit the Pavilion website here. 

African Indigenous Peoples Caucus meets at the Pavilion (Photo: Johnson Cerda)  

African Indigenous Peoples Caucus meets at the Pavilion (Photo: Johnson Cerda) 


Indigenous Peoples Caucus Statement at COP22 APA Session

Jannie Staffansson reads the Indigenous Peoples Caucus statement at the APA session of COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco, November 7, 2016   

Jannie Staffansson reads the Indigenous Peoples Caucus statement at the APA session of COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco, November 7, 2016   

On Monday, Jannie Staffansson (Sami) delivered the  Indigenous Peoples Caucus Statement at the #UNFCCC Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) opening Plenary. The statement raised recommendations for the future implementation of the Paris Agreement, as well as called upon the countries who signed onto the Geneva Pledge on Human Rights and Climate Change to establish a Working Group or a program on Human Rights and Climate Change within the UNFCCC process. The statement made at the APA session was one of four presented by the Indigenous Peoples Caucus on Monday at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco.  #IIPFCC  #Saamicouncil #IndigenousCOP22

Statement of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) to the Ad Hoc Working Group for the Paris Agreement (APA), November 7, 2016, Marrakech, Morocco

English |  Español  |  Français  | Русский

COP22 Conference Venue Information

The COP22 venue is at Bab Ighli is located approximately 10 minutes away from the Marrakech city centre and 10 minutes from Marrakech Airport. It consists of the main conference area, also known as the “Blue Zone”, and space for civil society and other participants also known as the “Green Zone”.


Registration is open from 5 November until Friday, 18 November 2016, from 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.  The acknowledgement letter of the participant’s confirmation, obtained through confirmation in the online registration system, and a valid passport or a nationally approved photo identification card should be presented to the registration staff in order to ensure the issuance of your badge.)

Daily Caucus:

IPs Caucus daily meeting will take place from 9.00 AM-10.00 AM at room Arabian at Blue zone


Opening days and hours of the office of Bank Al-Maghrib at the Bab Ighli conference site: From Monday, 7 November, to Friday, 18 November 2016, from 9.00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please note that the Bank office will be closed on Saturday, 12 November, and Sunday, 13 November 2016. The Bank office is located in the Services area


COP 22 BUS shuttle map

DOCIP Technical secretariat at COP22

We have the pleasure to announce Docip’s presence at the COP22 meeting in Marrakesh, November 7 - 18, 2016.

You can find our technical secretariat in the Indigenous Peoples' and Communities' Pavilion, in the Green Zone. It will be open from 10:00am to 7:00pm.

Thanks to Docip's vast network of multilingual volunteers we offer the following free services to all Indigenous delegates attending the meeting:

▪ Translation to and from English, French, Spanish and Russian
▪ Interpretation on demand to and from English, French, Spanish and Russian for informal meetings and bilateral sessions, as well as regional caucus meetings
▪ Guidance for new participants
▪ Photocopies and other administrative tasks


In order to support the Indigenous delegates’ work, Docip offers them an office space equipped with:

▪ An office to use as workspace
▪ Computers and printers
▪ Internet connection
▪ Office supplies


For all questions please contact Karen - phone/whatsapp:+41 78 885 52 89 or Miguel 

COP 22 Bus Shuttle

Shuttle Service to COP22 site (Bab Ighli)

Shuttle service in the city of Marrakech will be provided free of charge for all participants (on presentation of badge) from November 5 to 18 from 6am to midnight, according to the following schedule:

– Peak hours (7am-10am and 6pm-8pm): shuttle every 15 minutes

– Off-peak hours (6am-7am; 10am-6pm and 8pm-midnight): shuttle every hou

Bus shuttle map

Indigenous Peoples Dialogue with UNFCCC States Parties

The Indigenous Peoples' dialogue with Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place on 5 Nov at Hotel Meridien in Marrakech from 2-5 pm. 

Indigenous Peoples Dialogue with UNFCCC States Parties

Indigenous Peoples Dialogue with UNFCCC States Parties

COP22 President Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar and Morocco Minister of Environment, Ms. Hakima El Haite addressed the representatives of Indigenous Peoples from seven geo-political regions attending the dialogue. On behalf of International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC), Ms. Jannie Staffansson put forward the key demands of indigenous peoples for COP22.

COP22 President Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar 

Minister of Environment, Ms. Hakima El Haite

Minister of Environment, Ms. Hakima El Haite

The dialogue between Indigenous Peoples and States was interactive, constructive and set a good path for future dialogues with parties to the UNFCCC. Government representatives from France, Norway, Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand were present in the dialogue. 

Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, the co-chair of Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus moderated the session. The IIPFCC will soon be distributing the Indigenous Peoples' political statement in abridged and longer versions in the coming days.

IPs caucus meeting and Pavilion at COP22


Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

We hope and believe that you are zipping up your bags and beginning your travels to Marrakesh, Morocco

We would like to update you all on the following:

  • The Global IPs caucus will takes place on 6 November at the Meridien Hotel, Avenue Mohammed VI from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
  • The official opening of indigenous peoples and local communities pavilion will be on 8 November from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM at Green Zone.
  • IPs Caucus daily meeting will take place from 9.00 AM-10.00 AM at room Arabian at Blue zone

We look forward to impacting the Climate Change processes and implementation of the Paris Agreement