2024 has been the hottest year in recorded history, surpassing 1.5 degrees, and causing devastating physical and spiritual losses and damages in our homelands.
«Государства добросовестно консультируются и сотрудничают с соответствующими коренными народами через их собственные представительные учреждения с целью получения их свободного и осознанного согласия до утверждения любого проекта, затрагивающего их земли или территории и другие ресурсы..." - Декларация ООН о правах коренных народов." - Декларация ООН о правах коренных народов Статья 32, пункт 2
1. Единственный способ обеспечить достижение цели Парижского соглашения по удержанию повышению глобальной температуры на 1,5 С и тем самым защитить традиционный образ жизни, продовольствие и экосистемы коренных народов всего мира - это принятие всеми государствами на КС 28 обязательств по справедливому и основанному на правах человека постепенному отказу от ископаемого топлива, а также обязательств по справедливому и честному переходу к устойчивым источникам энергии, не содержащим углерода.
2. Текущие дискуссии о "справедливом переходе", начавшиеся на SBSTA в июне 2023 года, основаны на поиске решениях и могут внести существенный вклад в сокращение выбросов парниковых газов, предотвращение потерь и ущерба, защиту экосистем планеты, биоразнообразия и образа жизни коренных народов.
3. Tермин "справедливый переход" и критерии, определяющие его реализацию, еще не до конца определены. Мы обеспокоены тем, что, если определение и критерии не будут уточнены и подтверждены, а гарантии прав и охраны окружающей среды не будут твердо установлены, проекты, осуществляемые под названием "Справедливый переход", приведут к "зеленому отмыванию" деструктивных практик, которые еще больше нарушат права коренных народов, подобно тому, как уже продвигаются и реализуются решения "на основе природы" и "с нулевыми показателями".
4. Права, перспективы, системы знаний и жизненный опыт коренных народов должны рассматриваться и учитываться в определениях, критериях и реализации проектов и программ "справедливого перехода".
5. Права, закрепленные в Декларации ООН о правах коренных народов, включая, в частности, статьи 12, 26 и 32, а также обязательство, подтвержденное в пункте 11 преамбулы Парижского соглашения, должны стать основой для определения того, что является "справедливым" в этом отношении.
6. Добыча полезных ископаемых переходного периода, таких как литий, медь, никель, хром и гелий, строительство мегаплотин, создание плантаций пальмового масла и других монокультур, строительство промышленных ветряных электростанций - вот несколько примеров "справедливого перехода", осуществляемого на землях и территориях коренных народов без их свободного предварительного и осознанного согласия. Это не может быть определено как переход от "обычного ведения бизнеса", и эти действия, конечно, нельзя назвать "справедливыми".
7. Признавая, что крупномасштабное промышленное производство продуктов питания вносит существенный вклад в выбросы парниковых газов, в том числе за счет деградации почв, монокультуры и вырубки лесов, мы призываем к защите и восстановлению производства продуктов питания на основе агроэкологических практик, включая проверенные временем методы и знания коренных народов и науки, а также поэтапный отказ от промышленного сельского хозяйства как важнейшего компонента «справедливого перехода».
8. Знания, наука и проверенная временем практика коренных народов могут внести существенный вклад в текущие и актуальные политические дискуссии по вопросам "справедливого перехода", включая интеграцию исконных и новых устойчивых технологий, реализуемых с предварительного свободного и осознанного согласия коренных народов, подвергшихся воздействию. Поэтому коренные народы должны быть полноправными участниками всех подобных дискуссий и решения на национальном и международном уровнях.
COP28 Indigenous Peoples Dialogue with the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, the COP 28 Presidency, and the UNFCCC Secretariat
In line with the celebration of the Indigenous Peoples Day at COP28 the @iipfcc participated in the COP28 Indigenous Peoples Dialogue with the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, the COP 28 Presidency, and the UNFCCC Secretariat on 5 December in the Blue Zone at the Expo City Dubai.
Indigenous Peoples are key agents of change for climate action and for ensuring a just transition for all. Growing evidence shows that Indigenous Peoples values, knowledge, practices, and ways of living are instrumental for environmental conservation, maintaining biodiversity, furthering green jobs, enhancing resilience, and addressing climate change.
The Dialogue focused on how collective action can support both Indigenous Peoples inclusion in just transition plans and highlight clear examples of how Indigenous Peoples are already leading and contributing to just and inclusive transitions.
@indigenousclimateaction @ndncollective @iiyf.climatechange @treaty_council @emairena @hindououmar
Indigenous Peoples Pavilion and Launch of Call-for-Sessions
Good morning relatives,
We are pleased to announce that the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion at COP 28 in Dubai has been confirmed! We have been allocated 180 m2 in the Blue Zone in a pre-existing building. The building will also have a separate office. We have formed a committee with representatives from all regions that will be responsible for the selection of proposals and the design.
Thanks to this group, we are excited to launch the Call for Sessions for the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion. We invite Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous organisations, support organisations, and Parties to submit events – such as presentations, policy dialogues, roundtables and publication launches – and artistic demonstrations – such as images and videos – by 18 September 2022. Please note that those wishing to present a session in person need UNFCCC accreditation ('a badge').
For more information, please see the call for sessions here
If you have any questions, please contact Rosario Carmona (rosariocarmonayost@gmail.com).
8th Meeting of the Facilitative Working Group (FWG)
The 8th Meeting of the Facilitative Working Group (FWG 7) will take place from 1-4 November 2022 at Zone D Meeting Room 5 of COP 27 venue in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. See the agenda for more details: Click here.
For further information contact the LCIPP team via lcipp@unfccc.int
Facilitative Working Group on the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples
Don't miss the last day of the 6th meeting of the Facilitative Working Group on the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform tomorrow!
✅ Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021
✅ Time: 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM UTC
✅ Live transmission: https://bit.ly/3pHO6yo
✅ More information: https://bit.ly/3Ckiken
✅ Languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian
Information to participants of the sixth meeting of the facilitative working group from 28 to 30 October 2021
In preparation for the event that will take place in Glasgow, we would like to provide you with the following general information:
Date and venue: From 28 to 30 October at the Side Event room 1, Room Loch Lomond _ located at the Armadillo – Clyde Auditorium.
FWG6 webpage: You will find the agenda with related documents and additional information for the meeting.
Interpretation: French, Spanish and Russian will be provided.
Connectivity for virtual participation, guidelines below:
Access to this meeting is restricted to invited users. Participants to receive an invitation soon.
All delegates interested in joining remotely MUST have completed the Virtual ID check OR have acquired a COP26 badge at the venue in Glasgow. To find and join their meetings they will need to login to the COP26 platform https://cop26platform.unfccc.int.
The meeting will be published in the COP26 platform schedule. Delegates who are invited will be able to Join the meeting directly from this schedule.
Delegates will be able to request the floor and once given the floor they can unmute and address the meeting. We encourage participants to review the provided training material before joining the meeting. Training materials can be found on the COP26 platform.
Badging for in-person participation: You need to collect your FWG6 badge at the registration counter first thing before you are allowed to access the venue.
Below is also some important information regarding your travels and entry to the United Kingdom. Additionally, attached is document produced by the UK COP Presidency that outlines guidance on how to plan your journey to UNFCCC COP26 for those who are joining physically in-person.
Covid-19 testing pre and post arrival:
Pre departure: All participants at COP26 must be able to provide evidence of a negative Covid-19 test taken in the 72 hours before departing to the UK. You may be asked to show this before boarding the service departing to the UK.
Passenger locator form:
All arrivals to the UK, including those attending COP26 must complete a passenger locator form up to 48 hours before they arrive in the UK. You can find the passenger locator form via this link here.
This open Call for Proposals invites Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous organizations, and supportive organizations
*English below
El foro Internacional de Pueblos Indigenas sobre Cambio Climático esta ahora aceptando propuestas para eventos y exhibiciones a realizarse en el Pabellón de los Pueblos Indigenas durante la COP25 en Madrid, España. La ubicación exacta en la zona verde/azul será confirmada en los próximos días.
Esta convocatoria abierta de Propuestas invita a los Pueblos Indigenas, Organizaciones Indigenas y organizaciones de apoyo para que apliquen propuestas para eventos que quisieran auspiciar en el Pabellón hasta el 27 de Noviembre, 2019 a más tardar.
Por favor llene su aplicación en el Formato de Google (https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScaxda6DnLz4XXByN…/viewform) y si tiene alguna pregunta contacte electrónicamente a Graeme (greed@afn.ca), Juan Carlos (juancarlos.jintiach@gmail.com), Lhakpa (nuri@aippnet.org) and Estebancio (castroestebancio@gmail.com).
The International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change is now accepting proposals for events and exhibits to be held at the Indigenous Peoples’ Pavilion during COP25 in Madrid, Spain. The exact location in the Green/Blue Zone will be confirmed in the coming days.
This open Call for Proposals invites Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous organizations, and supportive organizations to make submissions of the events that they would like to host at the Pavilion by November 27, 2019 at the latest.
Please submit your application on the following Google Form (https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScaxda6DnLz4XXByN…/viewform) and if you have any questions, contact Graeme (greed@afn.ca), Juan Carlos (juancarlos.jintiach@gmail.com), Lhakpa (nuri@aippnet.org) and Estebancio (castroestebancio@gmail.com).
Looking forward to seeing you all in Madrid!
With Warm Regards,
Co-Chairs and Focal Points of the IIPFCC
Graeme (greed@afn.ca), Juan Carlos (juancarlos.jintiach@gmail.com), Lhakpa (nuri@aippnet.org) and Estebancio (castroestebancio@gmail.com).
About our engagement at COP25
Warmest Greetings to our Indigenous Caucus Members!
We hope this message finds you well!
It has been a crazy couple of weeks transitioning from Santiago to Madrid. We lift up all the Indigenous Peoples fighting against the Government and will continue to make space and prioritize their voice at COP 25.
As such, we would like to share some dates for everyone to start planning for COP 25:
November 28-30: 2nd Meeting of the Facilitative Working Group (Location TBC). More information can be found here: https://unfccc.int/LCIPP. Registration for this event has closed. Any questions should be directed to LCIPP@unfccc.int
December 3 (13H30 - 15H00): Informal Dialogue Between Representatives of constituted bodies on the three functions of the LCIPP.
December 4 (18H30 - 20H00): FWG-AC-LEG-NWP joint event on local and indigenous adaptation
November 30 (afternoon 1- 5pm) - December 1 (9-5pm): Indigenous Caucus Preparatory Meeting. Location and agenda is being confirmed and will be circulated as soon as possible.
December 2- 14: Daily Caucus Meetings (9-10 am), Location TBC in the Blue Zone
If there are additional events that you are participating in, please add to this thread.
In addition, we are currently finalizing details for the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion (location and dates to be confirmed), but it will likely be a very fast turn around. In the coming days, we will release a formal Call for Proposals, inviting Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous organizations, and supportive organizations to make submissions of the events that they would like to host at the Pavilion. Please take some time to prepare any proposed sessions that you may have as we will have to finalize by November 27, 2019.
With Warm Regards,
Co-Chairs and Focal Points of the IIPFCC
Sent by Lakpa Nuri <nuri@aippnet.org>
25th session of the COP will take place from 2 to 13 December 2019 in Madrid, Spain
Dear family and friends of the LCIPP,
I hope this message finds you well.
It is now confirmed that the 25th session of the COP will take place from 2 to 13 December 2019 in Madrid, Spain.
Per COP24 decision, FWG meetings will take place in conjunction with the sessions of the subsidiary bodies and the session of the COP.
I am writing to let you know that the 2nd meeting of the FWG will also take place in Madrid. For more information about FWG2, please visit here.
Chad – on behalf of the LCIPP team.
Chad Tudenggongbu
Associate Programme Officer, Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Risks Subprogramme
Adaptation Programme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
United Nations
Climate Change Secretariat
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone +49 228 815 1527
Deadline for COP24 Registration
Please note the deadline to register for COP24 has been extended to September 24th, 2018. Once registrations have been allocated, the deadline for participant confirmation is 26 November 2018.
Online training course on Gender and the Environment
The secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is pleased to inform on the recent launch of a new open source introductory online training course on Gender and the Environment, which includes a module on climate change.
The training course was developed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Gender Partnership and theUnited Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) with the generous support of the GEF Small Grants Programme.
The e-course is accessible at UN CC:e-learn’s platform and is open to the public without charge and is intended to be self-paced.
IP Caucus Opening Statement of IIPFCC to APA/SBI/SBSTA, 30 April 2018
Daily Indigenous Peoples Caucus Meetings in Bonn, 30 April - 10 May 2018
Daily meetings for the Indigenous Peoples Caucus will be held from 9:00-10:00 at the World Conference Center in Bonn. On April 30th, the meeting will be Room BANGKOK. From May 1st-10th, the meetings will be held in the AH Upper Conference Room.
Notice on Co-moderator for Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue in Bonn, May 2018
From the IIPFCC-GSC Co-chairs: In accordance with the proposed timeline, with a deadline of the 23rd of April, the regions had an opportunity to comment on the selection of Mr. Roberto Múkaro Borrero as co-moderator, and with the assumption that no objection is a signal of support, Mr. Borrero has been confirmed as the Co-moderator for the workshop to be held in exactly one week. Now we should be looking at the design and substance of this workshop, and we look to Roberto to start the process of gathering input from the regions.
Terms of Reference for Co-Moderator
English | Español | Français | Русский
Indigenous Peoples Day - COP23 Bonn, Germany
Welcome all to the IPs day at room 12, Bonn Zone
IPs day Banner
English | Español | Français | Русский
Our Brother Mr. RODION SULYANDZIGA, a well-known Indigenous Peoples Activist had been arrested in the early hours on Sunday December 11, 2016. Police conducted a search in the apartment and Sulyandziga was brought in for questioning at the Konkovo district police department.
He was released later on Sunday, but his computer has since been seized by the police.
Mr. Rodion runs the Moscow-based Center for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North, an NGO known for providing training and development in capacity building and institution strengthening.
His work continues to benefit international movements for Indigenous Peoples’ rights, climate change, and environmental protection. IIPFCC believes that he must be allowed to continue this important work
More and more IIPFCC Members continue to co-sign the open letter.
Agreed Parties:
1. Indigenous Women and Peoples Association of Chad
2. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
3. Indigenous Peoples National Steering Committee on Climate Change (IPNSCCC)
4. Mainyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization (MPIDO)
5. Te Kopu, Pacific Indigenous & Local Knowledge Centre of Distinction
6. POINT Myanmar
7. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
8. Center for Indigenous Peoples' Research and Development (CIPRED)
9. Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education)
10. Asia Indigenous Women's Network (AIWN)
11. Chirapaq, Centre of Indigenous Cultures of Peru
12. National Congress of American Indians
13. Pratima Gurung
14. Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network (IPWDGN)
15. Nepal Indigenous Disabled Association (NIDA)
16. Porgera Alliance, Papua New Guinea
17. Congrès mondial Amazigh 18. Association de femmes de Kabylie
19. Independent Consultant & External Lecturer, University of Vienna, Austria
20. SONIA for a Just and New World as cosignatory
22. International Indian Treaty Council
23. Indigenous Peoples of African Coordinating Committee IPACC
24. Unissons nous pour la Promotion des Batwa ( UNIPROBA)
25. Native American Rights Fund
26. Indigenous Environmental Network
27. Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN)
28. Le centre d'Accompagnement des Autochtones Pygmées et Minoritaires Vulnérables (CAMV/DR-Congo)
29. Saami Council 30. Sámi Parliament of Norway
31. Le mouvement culturel amazigh du Maroc
32. Union pour l'Emancipation de la Femme Autochtone (UEFA/RDC)
33. Unissons nous pour la Promotion des Batwa (UNIPROBA), Burindi
34. United Confederation of Taíno People
35. Caribbean Amerindian Development Organization, Barbados
36. Pastoralists Indigenous NGOs Forum (PINGO's Forum), TANZANIA
37. First Nations Summit (Canada)
38. Polina Shulbaeva, CBD Indigenous coordinator for Russia and Eastern Europe
39. The Batwa Foundation
40. Asociación Savia Andina Pukara (ASAP)
41. Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas
42. Association of Indigenous Village Leaders in Suriname (VIDS)
43. Network for Indigenous Peoples of the Solomons (NIPS)
44. Te Kopu Network
45. Uganda Civil Society Coalition on Indigenous Peoples (UCSCIP)
46. Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA)
47. Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), Indonesia
48. Lelewal, Cameroon
49. Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Network on Climate Change and Biodiversity (BIPNet), Bangladesh
50. Maleya Foundation, Bangladesh
51. Chief Gary Harrison, Artick Athabascan Council
52. Youth Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (YFIN Nepal)
Роль участия коренных народов в КС-21 и последствия принятия Парижского соглашения
В среду, 11 мая 2016 года, в рамках Постоянного форума Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам коренных народов (ПФООНКН/UNPFII) состоялось параллельное мероприятие, посвященное участию коренных народов в Международном форуме по изменению климата КС-21, а также результатам и достижениям, которые были получены благодаря сотрудничеству и эдвокаси коренных этносов. Мероприятие было организовано совместно с Программой развития Организации Объединенных Наций (ПРООН) и Международным форумом коренных народов по изменению климата. Выступающих ждал полный зал зрителей, а некоторые участники присоединились к мероприятию через прямую онлайн-трансляцию.
Павильон Коренных Народов на 21-й Конференции Сторон
Павильон коренных народов на Конференции по климату в Париже (2015) был расположен в открытой секции «Climate Generations» («Климатическое сообщество») рядом с РКИК ООН в Ле Бурже (Париж), где сотни коренных народов со всего мира могли обсудить ключевые вопросы, обменяться передовым опытом и знаниями в области решения проблем глобального потепления. Занимая большую часть секции «Климатического сообщества», Павильон коренных народов был организован представителями коренных народов из семи регионов Международного форума коренных малочисленных народов мира по изменению климата - Африки, Арктики, Азии, Латинской Америки и Вест-Индии, Северной Америки, Тихоокеанского региона, России и Восточной Европы. Содействие и техническую поддержку в организации оказали члены ПРООН.