TO: IP delegations coming to the PF session in NY
ATT: Participation in the Strategy Meeting for IP Engagement to the UN Climate Summit, 23 Sep, NY
DATE: 25 Apr, NY
TIME: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
The UN General Assembly will hold a one-day Climate Summit in September 23, 2019, NY. The expected outcomes will be partnership and agreed actions' promotion through 9 different tracks/coalitions, each of them co-led by minimum 2 countries in a partnership with the UN. The mandate of the coalition is to build public and private partnerships and come with concrete proposals. This will be 2-3 initiatives per coalition.
There will not be a political declaration and nothing to negotiate. It is only listing of proposals that will be announced. The Summit is taking place at a moment of urgent action and response.
9 Tracks/Coalitions
Nature based solutions: China@New Zealand supported by UNEP
Resilience and adaptation: UK@Egypt supported by UNDP
Energy: Denmark@Ethiopia
Social and political drivers: Peru@ Spain supported by ILO, DESA, WHO, Global Compact
Mitigation: Chile@Japan
Youth and mobilization: Ireland @ Marshall Islands
Climate Finance: Jamaica@France@Qatar supported by the WB
Infrustructure cities and local action: Kenya@Turkey
Industry transition: India @ Sweden
CS Modality: Sep 23rd - only plenary of the General Assembly.
There might be roundtables on the weekend before the Summit.
Objectives of IP strategic meeting
1. to develop one common position and strategy re the CS between all 7 regions
2. to coordinate and develop a road map on the way to CS, NY (PF - Bonn - Abu-Dhabi - NY)
3. to collaborate closely with Ambassador de Alba as a Special Envoy of the Climate Summit
4. to create alliance with coalitions leads and lobby IP solutions
Rodion Sulyandziga,
On behalf of IP delegation having a meeting with Dr.Alba within the Copenhagen Conference on SDG and Climate Change, 1-3 Apr
Rodion Sulyandziga
Director, Ph.D
Center for support of indigenous peoples of the North (CSIPN)
NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
skype: rodion_ritc